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Kappa Mu Sigma Chapter/Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.



The Kappa Mu Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was organized and named on May 25, 1989, at the 67th Great Lakes Regional Conference in Chicago, Illinois. Brother Curtis T. Clingman served as the Regional Director and Brother Charles Talbert served as the State Director of Illinois.

On April 23, 1989, Brothers Larry Moore, Charles Scott, Willie McGee, Bill Colvin, Kevin Williams, Kevin Woods, Mike Watkins, and Melvin Wright met to discuss the formation of an alumni chapter in Bloomington/Normal. At the meeting, Brother Charles Scott was selected as president and assumed leadership of the meeting. Other officers elected were: Vice-president Bill Colvin, Secretary Melvin Wright, and Treasurer Willie McGee.

The Brothers held weekly meetings in order to set up the organizational structure for the chapter. The structure included: P.O. Box rental, dues assessments, establishing meeting dates / times / places, establishing a bank account, etc.

As regular meetings were held, Brothers were asked to accept appointments for Social Action, Education, and Bigger and Better Business. 

The Brothers received strong support from the undergrad Brothers from Epsilon Chi Chapter. They encouraged us to continue to come together and submit a request for a charter.

The chapter was named and recognized on May 25, 1989.  Since that time the Kappa Mu Sigma chapter has continued to grow within the Bloomington/Normal community. 

Today, the chapter has 13 active members and continues to participate in and support many of the local efforts to advance the welfare of our community. 


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